Located among the rolling hills of Johnson County, Iowa, Tiffin is
a small town.
It lies just east of the Amana Colonies, roughly between Cedar Rapids
and Iowa City.
It is really nothing like it's older Ohio namesake, being about
10% of it's size.
It's main street is U. S. 6, the same highway that passes just north
of Tiffin, Ohio, some 500 miles away.
The system of county roads in this part of Iowa show relatively
little developement.
One might drive 5 miles without reaching a crossroad, and most of
those roads are of unpaved gravel.
Some of the important features of this town are
a convenience store and several other stores, a bar & grill,
a very nice resturaunt,
the Johnson County Garage, a new high school and a tiny football
While in the area on business, I took the opportunity to visit a
few of it's other features.
I drove through Tiffin daily on my way to the Amana worksite.
It seemed strange to see road signs on I 80 leading to Tiffin, and
being so far from home.