Eden Township, Seneca County, Ohio
The History of a Small Pioneer Congregation
The Rock Run Church in it's later years, probably about 1880, before the road was regraded.
This simple frame structure was located about 200 feet north of Rock Creek, adjacent to the present cemetery.
Photo submitted by Tara Vannette (It was identified on the back)
Color Photos By Stephen J. Hartzell
Taken May 25, 2001
Go To The Complete Rock Run Cemetery Inscriptions
It is located in the northeast 1/4 of section 4 of Eden Township.
For many years this peaceful little piece of land on the high bank overlooking Rock Creek was known to the people of Eden township as a popular meeting place, a place of worship and even the site of a small schoolhouse. Before the white settlers arrived it was the site of indian burial mounds. Today all traces of those things are gone, and the remnants of a small seldom-visited cemetery are all that remain.
This land was originally deeded to Samuel Heninger by the United States Government on August 20, 1821, but it is quite possible that he never lived on this land. On February 7, 1826 he sold the entire northeast 1/4 of section 4 to John Searles for $440.
John Searles was born on February 20, 1775 in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. After his marriage to Jane Duncan he moved to New Lancaster, Ohio. He was drafted into the Army in 1812. A significant portion of his service was spent in the Sandusky River valley where the army had significant numbers of indian allies.
The graves of Jane & John Searles
The founder's grave may be the simplest in the entire cemetery.
After the war he returned to the Sandusky Valley. With his family, and a number of other pioneer settlers, he came to Fort Ball and resided in one of the blockhouses. John Searles made his way through the dense forest land, and finally he reached Rock Creek where it crossed the old army trail that extended from Croghansville (now part of Fremont) to Delaware. He built a log cabin on high ground overlooking the creek, a few miles northeast of the Van Meter Indian Reservation.
In 1820, Isaac Harrington laid out the Morrison State Road. It extended from Lower Sandusky (now part of Fremont) to Delaware, Ohio, roughly following the old army trail, which was also one of the early mail routes. In April of 1821 Mr. Searles, along with John, Hugh, Thomas and Henry Welch helped open a section of this road through Clinton and Eden townships. This provided a means of traveling to and from Fort Ball and other points more easily. (In 1821, the settlement of Tiffin had not yet been established.)
A section of the old Morrison State Road as it rises up from Rock Creek toward Rock Run.
This approach from the creek was regraded in the 1880's.
After having obtained deed to the property upon which his cabin rested in 1826, he went about the business of building a more permanent home for his family.
Henry Wolf, a veteran of the War of 1812, died on May 15, 1825 and was buried here. On September 28, 1828 Daniel Searles, son of John and Jane, died and was buried north of the old cabin. These would prove to be the first 2 known burials in what would later become Rock Run Cemetery. Another old grave is that of Nelly Bellamy, wife of Aaron Bellamy. It appeared to be inscribed, and has been recorded with a date that would have made it the oldest surviving grave in Seneca County, October 9, 1812. The digital photograph shown below shows what the naked eye does not, Oct. 3, 1842.
The grave of Nelly Bellamy
By late spring of 1830 the new family home had been completed and the family moved into it. By this time other families had begun to populate the area.
The Searles family were devout members of the Methodist Episcopal faith. The old cabin had for some time been used as a meeting house, and was a popular stopping point for preachers. On June 1, 1830 John Searles donated 1 square acre of land near Rock Creek for the purpose of establishing a Methodist Episcopal Church. The land was adjacent to the south side of the present cemetery, and also contained an old barn. The deed names a group of trustees as the holders of the deed. They were named as follows; James Herrin, William McEwen, Hugh Welch, William Murray and Joseph Richards. The making of the deed was witnessed by Reuben Williams and Hezekiah Searles, John’s son. Many of these people were eventually buried in Rock Run Cemetery.
The Tiffin Daily News of July 29, 1896 contains the following, which was part of a short biographical sketch of Robert Nichols. It helps to paint a picture of this area in the year 1831 when the Nichols family arrived here.
"The family took up their quarters in an abandoned school house which stood just opposite to where the Rock Run church now stands in Eden township. As the furniture in those days was all made by hand and the demand great by reason of so many new families moving in, they could get neither bedstead nor chairs. They slept on the benches and floor. There was one chair in the house, a present from Mrs. Searles to Mrs. Nichols. At that time a log church stood where the Rock Creek frame church is now."
Below is the land opposite Rock Run where the schoolhouse likely stood.
Names of some members of the Rock Run congregation were gleaned from Missionary Donor lists.
In these records they are sometimes refered to as members of "Rock Run Sabbath School".
John Williams, Joseph Herrin, Henry Freese, Joseph Richards, James McEwen, Edward Richards, J. W. Searles, H. Huber, Eliza Fleet, Mary (Delray?), James M. Cole, John Thompson, D. Herrin, H. Richards, Mary McEwen, Elphonse Huss, Hannah Richards, Priscilla Cole, Isabella Richardson, Mary Herrin, William Hewlet, A. G. Searles, Thomas B. Richardson, L. Richardson, Mary Huber, Eliza A. Searles, U. Richards, Ann Sponable, Catherine Rainy, A. Vannatta, Eliza Cole, Rev. O. Pearce & wife, H. Searles, Byron Sloat, J. L. Cook, L. A. Cole, W. J. Kaul, Elis Depper, J. Vannette, R. Kemp, E. A. Searles, P. W. Searles, M. McCollister, B. Faulkner, B. Vannette, Mr. Cash, N. E. Herrin, M. Williams, M. Thompson, C. F. Searles, E. Stoner, T. Hiskey, E. Debbon, J. S. Funk, F. Fleet, George E. Cole, Mrs. E. Faulkner, Mary Kaul, Samuel Koch, Susan Nagle, Katie M. Muller, C. Vannette, Lucy Fleet, Anna Huston, Mary Derr, Maggie M. Richards, D. Derr, M. H. Koch, H. Cole, Reuben Conant, L. Usted, Jacob W. Horgert, L. H. Hefert, Luther Vannette,
The following baptisms were gleaned from the records of the Pleasant Ridge Methodist Church. They all took place at the Rock Run Church. The first 6 were performed by Rev. Charles D. Patterson, and the last 2 by Rev. J. H. Johnson.
Lily F. Harshman, d/o James & Anna Harshman, 13 July 1879
Henry H. Harshman, s/o James & Anna Harshman, 13 July 1879
Etta M. Harshman, d/o James & Anna Harshman, 13 July 1879
Charles H. Thompson, s/o J. C. & Harriet Thompson, 13 July 1879
George Baker, Adult, Feb. 1881
Mary Cole, Adult, 14 Aug 1881
Laura Bidleman, Adult, 16 Sep 1883
Clara Bell Glenn, Infant, 17 Sep 1883
The Tiffin Daily News of July 21, 1896, contained an interesting story, the text of which appears below.
"Rev. Wm. H. Guyer wrote the following note to the Upper Sandusky Chief yesterday:
Several weeks ago while walking on the streets of Tiffin I was accosted by two (men), who cried: "Hands up your money or your life." whereupon I was relieved of my money and my watch. I then said I never wanted another such a stirring experience. But how vain are all our hopes.
For while on the streets of Upper Sandusky Saturday afternoon, I was accosted by three men and ordered to march on and say nothing. I was ordered into Braun Bros. jewelry store, threw up my hands, and stood speechless, while Henry Shultz and John Paulin guarded me, as Phillip Bloom ran his hand into my vest pocket, dropped a gold watch and fastened it with a gold chain. I made inquiry and found that they were but representatives of my good friends of Rock Run and Eden Center. May Heaven bless these kind donors."
The church remained in use for about 70 years as a place of worship and for public meetings. By 1900 it was abandoned.
The will of Catherine Vannette, who died in 1891, expressed the wish that 6 acres of her land be ultimately turned over to the cemetery by her son Abel. (Abel's grandfather, Thomas was a devout member of the church, and an original resident of this area.) This land was located adjacent to the north edge of the old cemetery.
On September 22, 1894, The Rock Run Cemetery Association was formed for the purpose of the transaction of business on behalf of the cemetery. The trustees of this not for profit association were listed as follows: Tillman Litzenberger, Brognard Van Nette, Richard A. Colen, Charles W. Beck, & John K. Rohn. (These Articles of Incorporation, and a passbook taken out with the Commercial National Bank in June of 1937 by R. J. Beidelman, are the only records of this association I have ever found. The Articles were cancelled due to inactivity Aug. 31, 1964.)
On October 15, 1894, Abel Van Nette did transfer the 6 acres to The Rock Run Cemetery Association as a gift. However, it appears that no burials were ever made in that portion.
Another interesting fact was recounted in the 1892 Smithsonian Annual Report. In 1886 Russell J. Thompson excavated 2 of 3 indian burial mounds near this site. One of these was located about 100 feet north of the old church, and the other 2 across the creek. These 3 mounds all contained bodies of indians. Evidence unearthed there revealed that a funeral pile was formed, over which meat from various animals were cooked for a feast. After the funeral feast, the pottery and animal bones were scattered over the graves, together with pipes and other objects that had evidently been usefull during the persons lifetime. The mounds were then completed.
The skeleton timbers of the old church were still visible at the time of the WPA cemetery survey in the early 1930’s. The only possible sign of it that remains today is a shallow pit in the woods that is nearly filled with rocks.
Two graves, those of Victor A. and Elizabeth Rowland in the southeast woods, mark the site of the old log church.
The Rowland graves in the south woods
The WPA survey says that the cemetery covered 4 acres. (Actually it was 7 acres, with only 1 used.) The present site covers only 1 acre. The other 6 acres were ultimately sold in the late 1970's, after a long court battle, to Rev. Joe Grim, then pastor of the Ebeneezer United Methodist Church.
With the first confirmed burial in 1828, the cemetery was heavily used beginning about 1840. It’s use became uncommon after 1900, and the last known burial was in 1938 when John Fix was buried near his parents, George and Barbara.
Over the years many of the markers have been broken, lost or discarded. It appears as though roughly half remain standing to this day. The remaining graves are known only to God.
My grandfather, Thomas Hartzell took a special interest in the care of our graves at this cemetery. At least once a year he and the entire family visited them and cleared them of their tall weeds and saplings.
The Hartzell graves at Rock Run
There are at least 8 cemeteries in Seneca County that are now lost and totally unmarked. At one time Rock Run was in danger of becoming #9. Then finally some people, including the Hartzells & the Bowmans, contacted an attorney. The result was that a caretaker was hired by the Methodist Church for the care of this historic site. That 1st such caretaker was Jim Ohler, who cared for the cemetery until it was finally turned over to the Eden Township Trustees in the late 1970's. A flower bed was kept up for a number of years, but it's planting was discontinued in 1981.
Robert Hartzell found Hiram Hartzell’s marker in the woods and returned it to it’s rightful place, setting it in concrete and straightening the rest of our markers.
The gravestone of Hiram Hartzell - nearly lost
Many other broken markers were stored for a long time in a pile in the northwest corner of the cemetery. Those markers are now discarded, apparently as a part of the cleanup.
The gravestone of Corp'l J. D. Williams leans against another grave.
He was given this government issued marker, as a Civil War Veteran.
Special thanks are due to Thomas Eberly, attorney, for the use of his casefile on Rock Run Cemetery
Rock Run Cemetery listings on FindAGrave.com
I have updated the entire cemetery here. Further information on those buried here is included
Rock Run Cemetery Inscriptions
Some are as recorded in "Cemetery Inscriptions of Seneca County, Ohio"
If you have an obituary or a biography of someone who is buried at Rock Run, or of anyone mentioned in the above article, you can submit it to me and I will post it and link it to their name.
Unmarked Graves
(Exact locations unknown)
GLICK, Lydia (Swander), d. May 1847 (From "History of the Swander Family" by Rev. John I. Swander, D. D., 1898)
MYERS, John, d. 1841, s/o James & Sarah H. (Died the same year as a sister, Maria, whose grave remains. According to a biographical sketch they are both buried at Rock Run.)
FREES, John, Revolutionary War Veteran (According to Warner Beers History of Seneca County, Ohio)
RICHARDS, Joseph, War of 1812 Veteran (According to Warner Beers History of Seneca County, Ohio)
SOURS, Ambrose, d. July 31, 1910, age 74 years. (According to an obituary from the Seneca Advertiser)
PHILLIPS, John, d. July 1, 1902 (According to Record of Veterans Burials, buried in row 1, Phillips section)
The Rowland Graves
(Located in the South Woods, by themselves, near the former site of Rock Run Church)
ROWLAND, Elizabeth, w/o V. A., d. July 31, 1892, 44y 7m 2d
ROWLAND, Victor Alexander, b. Dec. 11, 1840, d. June 12, 1897
Thornburgh Section
(Located on the North side in an area by itself)
East Section
THORNBURGH, Eli, 1789-1854 (War of 1812 Veteran)
THORNBURGH, Sarah (Meyers), 1796-1869 (Father, Henry Meyers, was a Revolutionary War Soldier)
THORNBURGH, Martha, 1782-1867
THORNBURGH, Harrison, 12 May, 1828-1912 (Civil War Veteran) (1852, California Gold Rush prospector)
West Section
THORNBURGH, Margaret E., 1839-1854
THORNBURGH, Martha S., 1830-1891
THORNBURGH, Mary C., 1835-1897
THORNBURGH, Alice, 1855-1900
The Thornburgh Section
Vannette Section
(Located in a partitioned area of the Main Section near the East side)
East Section
VANNETTE, Rachel, d. Oct. 15, 1890, 77y 3m 3d
UMSTED, Isabel (VANNETTE), d. Oct. 13, 1892, 76y 7m 29d
VANNETTE, Abel, d. May 4, 1900, 83y 3m
CRAMER, Jane (VANNETTE), w/o Enos, d. Feb. 13, 1890, 72y 10m 2d
North Section
SNEATH, Martha (VANNETTE), w/o William, d. May 15, 1848, 25y 3m
VANNETTE, Catherine, d. Aug. 8, 1891, 64y 6m 17d
VANNETTE, Elizabeth, d. Nov. 29, 1884, 52y, 9d
West Section
VANNETTE, Thomas, Dec. 5, 1780 - Mar. 7, 1854, 73y 3m 2d
VANNETTE, Isabel (BEARD), w/o Thomas, June 18, 1790 - Apr 9, 1861, 70y 9m 2d
South Section
VANNETTE, Benjamin, Mar. 25, 1857, 59y 9m 9d
BURNSIDE, Sarah (VANNETTE), w/o Joseph, d. Jan. 16, 1854, 44y 11m 20d
SNEATH, Peggy (VANNETTE), w/o William, d. Dec. 30, 1899, 78y 9m
VANNETTE, infant d/o A. & S. A., d. July 22, 1859
------------, Caroline, infant d/o Mary E. & ?, d. Dec. 20, 1852
VANNETTE, infant s/o L. & A., d. Aug. 9, 1861
The Vannette Section within it's stone border
Remaining Section
MURREY, Matilda, d/o Reason & Rebecca, d. Dec. 23, 1853
MURREY, Rezin (Reason)
MURREY, Samantha, d/o Reaason & Rebecca, d. June 23, 1852, 11m 11d
MURREY, Rebecca
LEIDY, William W., s/o E. G. & S. J., d. Dec. 27, 1848
MURREY, Jacob, s/o Rezin & Rebecca, d. Feb. 25, 1838, 4m 3d
MURREY, Margret, d/o Rezin & Rebecca, d. Aug. 1, 1845, 2y 8m 20d
HERIN, Hannah, d. Oct. 13, 1879, 23y 11m 20d
HERIN, David, s/o J. & H., d. Mar. 24, 1863, 24y 7m 10d (Died In Civil War)
HERIN, infant d/o J. & H., d. Aug. 19, 1854
HERIN, infant s/o J. & H., d. Sep. 8, 1835, 5m
HERIN, Anne, d. Sep. 19, 18__, 5m
SPOONER, Nancy E., d/o J. & H. HERIN, d. Mar. 3, 1880, 35y 8m
PHILLIPS, Allison, 1810 - 1899
PHILLIPS, Marie, 1812 - 1883
PHILLIPS, Leroy, 1835 - 1846
PHILLIPS, Orson B., 1837 - 1864
PHILLIPS, Homer F., 1839 - 1862
PHILLIPS, Ann, 1842 - 1849
PHILLIPS, William, 1845 - 1868
PHILLIPS, Mary, 1846 - 1847
PHILLIPS, Adelia, 1849 - 1863
PHILLIPS, Alice A., 1853 - 1940
PHILLIPS, Alford B., 1858 - 1929
LEIDY, Candic,
LEIDY, Clarinda,
LEIDY, Rolla C., d. June 23, 1876, 17y 23d
LEIDY, Jane, d. Nov. 20, 1890, 77y 11m 16d
LEIDY, Esaw C, d. June 15, 1885, 67y 10m 8d (War Veteran)
ANKNEY, Rachel, d. June 11, 1865
FREES, Rachel, w/o Jacob, d. June 7, 1867, 75y 4m 5d
FREES, Jacob, d. June 15, 1832, 44y 2m 5d
HERIN, John,
HERIN, Ann Catherine, d/o Samuel & Tabitha Ann, d. Aug. 26, 1844, 3y 8m 26d
HERIN, Hanna, 1814 - 1893
HERIN, Hanna Gullum, d. July 28, 1893, 78y 7m 19d
HERIN, Joseph, d. Feb. 13, 1887, 76y 7m 21d
HERIN, Joseph, 1810 - 1887
HERIN, Sarah, 1846 - 1936
FREES, Mary, Dec. 20, 1824 - Mar. 22, 1896
FREES, John M., d. May 12, 1854
FREES, Richard H., d. Nov. 2, 1861, 42y 6m 9d
FREES, Elizabeth, w/o John, d. Oct. 13, 1843, 32y 2m 10d
HERIN, Richard, d. Jan. 19, 1863, 66y 9m 27d
HERIN, Elenore,
HILL, Mary,
CAMP, Isabell, w/o Daniel, d. Mar. 26, 1868, 86y
RICHARDSON, Charles N., Feb. 26, 1828 - Mar. 15, 1874 (War Veteran)
DEARER, Elizabeth, d/o Daniel, d. Feb. 9, 1838, 7y 9m 9d
MCEWEN, Sarah, d. Sept., 1842
MCEWEN, William, d. Aug. 7, 1840, 61y 8m 29d
CROSSLEY, Peter, Co. D, 123 Ohio Infantry (Civil War Veteran)
CROSSLEY, Rebecca A., w/o Charles, d. July 14, 1865, 42y 11m 23d
BEIBEL, Sarah A., w/o H., d. June 29, 1850, 19y 3m 29d
CROSSLEY, Samuel F., d. June 12, 1883, 32y 4m
WOLF, Susannah, w/o Henry, d. Jan. 24, 1872, 78y 9m 21d
WOLF, Henry, d. May 15, 1825, 37y 10m 29d (War of 1812 Veteran)
WOLF, Christena C., w/o Jacob, d. Oct. 13, 1849, 88y 6m
CLARK, Joseph C., s/o H. & N., d. June 22, 1843, 10y
WOLF, Jacob, d. Mar. 2, 1834, 68y 2m 1d
CLARK, d/o H. & N., d. Aug. 13, 1845, 10m 15d
WOLF, Margaret, d/o J. & A., 1833
WOLF, Nancy, d/o J. & A., d. Sep 8, 1841, 1y 11m 23d
DILDINE, Eliza, d/o D. & M., d. Jan. 21, 1834, 17y 5d
DILDINE, Margaret, w/o Daniel, d. Mar. 10, 1862, 78y 5m 6d
DILDINE, Daniel, Sept. 24, 1781 - Sept. 27, 1872, 91y 2d
LITZENBERGER, Judith, w/o Seth (Solomon), d. Oct. 3, 1865, 55y 5m 7d
LITZENBERGER, Solomon, d. Oct. 9, 1880, 77y 8m 11d
BURGER, David B., Aug. 21, 1921 - Sept. 7, 1905
BURGER, Lydia (Litzenberger), his wife, Aug. 2, 1820 - July 8, 1906
BURGER, Milton M., s/o D. & L., Dec. 19, 1846 - June 15, 1867
FUNK, Fannie, d/o G. H. & B., Feb. 5, 1881 - June 12, 1884
DILDINE, John M., Mar. 24, 1804 - Oct. 25, 1886
DILDINE, Elizabeth, his wife, Aug. 22, 1798 - Aug. 18, 1885
DILDINE, Eliza, d/o J. & E., d. June 25, ?
WOLFE, Mary A., w/o Meshach, d. Jan. 20, 1849, 28y 9m 27d
WOLFE, Mary L., d/o S. & L., d. 1850
EVANS, Eleanor, w/o Walter, d. Apr. 24, 1848, 60y
LITZENBERGER, William H., s/o S. & J., d. Apr 11, 1863, 14y 9m 19d
LITZENBERGER, William M., s/o A. & M., d. Apr. 22, 1862, 1y 3m 27d
SEARLES, Alvin G., s/o H. & E. A., d. Nov. 30, 1863, 22y 1m 5d
SEARLES, Daniel R., s/o H. & E. A., d. Dec. 27, 1859, 20y 2m 10d
LAMBERSON, Susannah (Jacoby), w/o Daniel, d. Dec.14, 1844, 70y 10m 14d
LAMBERSON, Susannah, w/o Daniel, d. Dec. 14, 1844, 70y 19m 13d
LAMBERSON, Daniel, d. Dec. 5, 1852, 69y 2m 22d
McEWEN, Elizabeth Ann, w/o James, d. Feb. 8, 1852, 26y lm 26d
WARNER, Damarious A., d. Sept. 21, 1850, 27y
HOFFMAN, Catharine, d/o John & Margaret, d. Aug. 11, 1845, 16y llm 14d
KOCH, Sheldon S., s/o S & L, d. Aug. 2, 1871, 19y 9m 21d
KOCH, Ellen, d/o S & L, d. Apr. 5, 1864, 4y 7m 21d
KOCH, Lydia, his wife, Sept. 13, 1824 - May 29, 1909
KOCH, Solomon, Feb. 26, 1822 - Mar. 26, 1907
CORBETT, Jane, Mar. 8, 1829 - Oct. 28, 1905
GIBSON, Martha A., w/o B. M., d. Aug. 4, 1876, 18y 9m 18d
CORBETT, Martin, d. Oct. 8, 1891, 66y 10m 24d (War Veteran)
CORBETT, Elizabeth J., 1837-1925
HEWITT, William, d. Aug. 3, 1879, 29y 7m 5d
HEWITT, Harriet, w/o William, d. June 14, 1876, 77y 6m
HEWITT, Hellen, d/o W. & H., d. Aug. 4, 1843
HEWITT, Mattie, d/o C.G. & J.E., d. Sept. 14, 1869, 4y 7m 10d
SERREL, Hanna, w/o John, d. Feb. 6, 1850, 45y 8m
WOLF, James, d. Sept. 1.4, 1859, 61y 1lm
WOLFE, Elizabeth, d/o J. & M., d. July 27, 1849, 1y 7m 17d
WOLFE, Mirty Grant, s/o W. & H., d. Nov. 1, 1874, 10d
WOLFE, Corpl. J. J.(Jefferson J.), Co. G 3 Ohio GAV (d. Feb. 27, 1883) (War Veteran)
DAILEY, Sarah E., d. July 31, 184?, 1y 1m 20d
DAILEY, Martin, d. Aug. 11, 1844, 3y 28d
KLINGAMAN, Michael, s/o John & Sarah, d. Sept. 25, 1848, 14y 5m 29d
KLINGAMAN, Sarah, w/o John, d. Sept. 5, 1878, 89y 5m 20d
KLINGAMAN, John, d. Mar. 10, 1852, 82y 6m
KNEPPLE, Harrie, s/o S.H. & S.E., d. May 4, 1864, 1y 7m 29d
KNEPPLE, Fannie, d/o S.H. & S.E., d. Mar. 8, 1864, 3y 3m 7d
HISKY, Clara A., d/o. J. & P., d. Aug. 19, 1861, 10y 5m 2d
HISKY, John, d. Dec. 6, 1872, 57y 11m 3d
COLE, Lucretia A., 1846-1930
COLE, Mary E. 1840-1921
COLE, Priscilla, w/o Elisha, d. Oct. 12, 1899, 85y 9m 12d
COLE, Elisha, d. Feb. 28, 1880, 78y 3m 6d
CREAGER, Cornelius, d.Dec.16, 1839, 51y 20d
SHANK, George P., d.?, 37y 11m 19d
SHANK, Jerome C., s/o G.P. & A., d.Mar. 12, 1862, 17y 9m 16d
RICHARDSON, Thomas B., Nov. 1, 1781- Feb. 26, 1867
RICHARDSON, Ann N., his wife, Jan. 11, 1786- Apr. 29, 1871
RICHARDSON, George, Nov. 26, 1821-Nov. 23, 1893 (War Veteran)
RICHARDSON, Thomas, Aug. 1, 1824-Aug. 18, 1,835
RICHARDSON, John B., Apr. 1, 1819-Feb. 22, 1854
MASON, Thomas A., s/o A. & M.A., d. Sept. 20, 1838, 1y 2m 16d
MASON, Charles N., s/o Mr. & Mrs. A., d. Apr. 24, 1840, 3m 7d
MASON, Mary Ann, w/o Alexander, d/o Thos. B. & Ann Richardson, d. Feb. 25, 1842, 25y 5m 29d
SLAYMAKER, ---, d. Oct. 17, 1853, 43y 2m 27d
SNEATH, William T., s/o J.B. & S., d. Feb. 21, 1849, 8y 6m 16d
SNEATH, Sarah P., d/o J.B. & S., d. Nov. 14, 1854, 6m 5d
SNEATH, Susannah, w/o J.B., d. July 3, 1859, 50y 11m 28d
WOLF, Alice A., d/o I. & P., d. Sept. 21, 1857, 4y 3m 22d
WOLF, Mary V., d/o I. & P., d. Sept. 22, 1857, 6y 4m 3d
WOLFE, Prudence, w/o Isaac, d. May 9, 1854, 25y 11m 11d
WOLFE, Isaac, d. Sept. 25, 1857, 35y 10m 21d (Mexican War Veteran)
WOLF, John, d. Jan. 28, 1859
BUTLER, David P., 10 Ohio L.A. (War Veteran)
COLE, Elmer, s/o R.A. & M., d. Sept. 16, 1891, 20y 7m 15d
COLE, Wilber, s/o R.A. & M., d. June 8, 1870, 2y 5m 9d
COLE, Malinda, w/o R.A., d. June 8, 1880, 35y 11m 1d
COLE, Richard A., 1834-1909
ROW 10
SNEATH, Elizabeth, w/o R., d. Feb. 14, 1840, 60y
SNEATH, Isaac, d. Oct. 24, 1844, 32y 15d 3.
SNEATH, Mary, w/o Isaac, d. Aug. 28, 1851, 4y 9m 16d
SNEATH, Ruth, d. Apr. 23, 1842
MYERS, Maria L., d/o James & Sarah H., d. Feb. 13, 1841, 15y 11m 8d
BARTON, Jane, d. Nov 14, 1844, 80y
MORROW, Margaret, d/o C. & N., d. Feb. 22, 1848, 17y
MORROW, Henry, d. Dec. 18, 1850, 73y
MORROW, Margaret, d. May 18, 1836, 64y
MORROW, Charles, d. July 18, 1833, 38y
SEARLES, Daniel, d. Sept. 28, 1828
SEARLES, Rebecca, d. July 27, 18?0, 25y 9m
SEARLES, Jane, w/o John, d. Oct. 30, 1869, 89y 7m 3d
SEARLES, John, d. May 11, 1841, 70y
CLEVIDENCE, George, s/o G. & M., d. July 23, 1854, 12y 5m 21d
HUBER, Charley P., s/o E. & M., d. Nov. 9, 1851, 9y 8m
HUBER, Elizabeth, w/o John, d. Oct. 13, 1853, 25y 6m
WILLIAMS, Corp’l J. D., Co. H 101 OH Inf. (d. May 5, 1880) (Civil War Veteran)
WILLIAMS, Ella, d/o J. & J., d. Mar. 20, 1869, 3y 10m 26d
COLE, Margarette, w/o Joshua, d. Dec. 31, 1877, 87y 5m 27d
ROW 11
MURRAY, Estella R., d/o G.C. & A.M., d. Aug. 9, 1888, 29y 7m 25d
MURREY, William, d. Sept. 11, 1834, 60y (War of 1812 Veteran)
MURREY, Nancy, d. 1847
RAYMOND, Mariah, w/o Abram, d. Oct. 2, 1871, 21y 2m 9d
UMSTED, Jane Morrow, w/o David, d. Sept. 4, 1875, 45y 9m 17d
UMSTED, Aaron, s/o D. & J., d. Apr. 15, 1887, 12m
UMSTED, Horard, s/o D. & J., d. June 21, ?
UMSTED, John L., s/o D. & J., d. Aug. 6, 1863, 5m
UMSTED, Floyd, s/o D. & M., d. Apr. 29, 1861
ANDRE, Franklin M., s /o E. & C. d. Dec 18, 1873, 12y 2m 28
ANDRE, Milton J., s/o E. & C., d. Feb. 24, 1861, 24y 3m 18d
COVELL, Laura F., d/o Joshua & Cull(?), d. Feb. 2, 1866, 7y 1m 20d
SPENCE, Norman, s/o Thomas, & Minomia, d. Aug. 30, 1852, 2y 10m 7d
SPURRIER, Elizabeth, w/o Dennis, d. Dec. 25, 1868, 66y 7m 2d
ROW 12
RICHARDS, Henrietta S., d. Oct. 4, 1854, 1y 5m 21d
?, Naomi, w/o ?, d. June 28, 1835, 32y 2m 1d
STINCHCOMB, Mary, w/o G., d. Feb. 6, 1845, 72y
TROXELL, Pauliena C., d/o W.H. & S., d. Nov 10, 1853, 9d
NORRIS, Mary, w/o John, d. Oct. 24, 1848, 51y 2m 19d
NORRIS, Laura J., d/o George & Marie, d. Feb. 19, 1848, 2y 2, 2d
ROPER, Margaret A., w/o A.P., d. June 18, 18?7, 28y 1d
ROW 13
SWANDER, Christina (Brinkruff), w/o Jos., d. Sept. 3, 1903, 85y 10m 19d
SWANDER, Joseph, d. Aug. 3, 1850, 40y 4m 11d
BEIDELMAN, Jonas, d. Dec. 29, 1884, 57y 3m 27d
BEIDELMAN, Anna M., 1837-1911
ROW 14
REED, Mariah, w/o C.C., d/o C.V. & P., d. 1839, 25y 11m 13d
HAGER, Christian, s/o G. & M., d. Nov. 12, 1861, 31y 2m 7d
HAGER, George W., s/o G. & M., d. Nov 2, 1861, 6y 9m 22d
HAGER, Jeremiah: s/o G. & M., d. Dec. 5, 1861, 5y 6m 28d
SAVIAL, Levi, d. Nov. 22, 1879, 64y 7m 9d
ROW 15
??, s/o Theo, Mar. 9, 1842, 1m 5d
SNYDER, S.L. & J., d. Oct. 1, 1863, 1y 1m 7d
SNYDER, Dell Gerty, d/o S. & L., d. Oct. 30, 1867, 1y 8m 13d
HATZEL, Sarah (Schiffert), w/o R. Hatzel, d. Aug. 17, 1851, 33y 7m. 9d
HARTZEL, Hiram L., s/o R. & S. Hartzel, d. April 7, 1852
HARZELL, Leanda (Strauss), w/o Reuben Harzell, d/o I. & E. Strauss, d. July 18, 1855, 24y 9m 1d
HARTZELL, Ruben, b. Feb. 23, 1812, d. May 5, 1878, 66y 2m 12d
HARTZELL, Ellen (Clark), Mother, 1854-1878
HARTZELL, Harrison, s/o H. & E. Hartzell, 1873-1878
HARTZELL, Harrison, Dec. 25, 1841 - Jun. 3, 1917, Co. A, 4th Battalion OVI (Civil War Veteran)
HARTZELL, Catherine (Shuff), 1851-1921
STROUSS, Henry, Jan. 11, 1828 - Feb. 2, 1911, Co. G 180 Reg. O. V. I (Civil War Veteran)
STROUSS, Catherine (Snyder), his wife, Aug. 26, 1833 - Feb. 4, 1909
STROUSS, Freeman, Nov. 26, 1857 - Nov. 12, 1861
STROUSS, Rolla, July 5, 1860 - Nov. 28, 1861
STROUSS, Ida, Jan. 13, 1853 - Nov. 29, 1861
STROUSS, Nora, Oct. 14, 1854 - Feb. 20, 1856
STROUSS, Infants, Apr. 7, 1862 - Apr. 7, 1862
SNYDER, George, Sept. 22, 1804 - Sept. 24, 1889
SNYDER, Elizabeth, Mar. 23, 1807 - Feb. 2, 1882
SNIDER, George, s/o G. & E., d. Mar. 28, 1852, 7m 26d
SNYDER, Wilber, d. Jan. 11, 1893, 37y
ROW 16
HOTTENSTEIN, Mary, w/o H., d. Feb. 21, 1850
DEPPEN, Elmer, s/o J. & M., d. Dec. 5, 1861, 3m 21d
MILLER, Christian,
HERSHEY, inf. s/o I. & A.E., d. Mar. 9, 1851, 6wks 2d
FIX, John, 1861-1938
FIX, George, d. May 5, 1882
FIX, Barbara, his wife, d. Mar. 25, 1895, 74y 8m 23d
SCHMITT, Peter, Mar. 26, 1863, im aller von 78j 11m 14t
SCHMITT, Katherina, Oct. 22, 1859, im aller von 67j 5m 25t
CLEVIDENCE, Mahala, w/o George, d. Jan. 12, 1863, 48y 22d
CLEVIDENCE, George, d. Jan. 6, 1880, 63y 6m 15d
ROW 17
YOUNG, Arlington, s/o A. & S.A., d. Aug. 11, 1853, 1y 2m 27d
YOUNG, Peter, d. Apr. 1, 1856, 60y
BELLAMY, Nelly, w/o Aaron, d. Oct. 3, 1842
- ©1997 - 2021 By Stephen J. Hartzell
- All rights reserved
- ©1997 - 2008 By Stephen J. Hartzell
- All rights reserved